Keith pursued his film career in both the United States and China

Keith Qi Chen (Chen Qifei)

born in China and moved to New York at the age of 13, pursued his film career in both the United States and China. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts (Cinematography) at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He then went on to earn his Master’s Degree in Fine Arts (Film Directing) at the Beijing Film Academy, where he studied under his mentor, China’s fifth generation filmmaker, Tian Zhuang Zhuang, and Keming Hou.

Keith was nominated in 2003 for Best Cinematography for “Overture” (director Christopher Wedding) at the Dusty Film Festival, and for Best Actor in 2004 for “Chinese Dream” (director Victor Quinaz) at the Rome International Film Festival in Georgia, and was short-listed for the Academy Awards in 2005. The film has played in over 50 film festivals worldwide and was honored with four Best Narrative Short awards including the prestigious Golden Gate award at the San Francisco International Film Festival. 

Keith edited a documentary “Little Shaolin Monks“ in 2005 for the director, Haibin Bai , and it was released in the USA in 2007. Also in 2007, Keith worked with John Woo on “Red Cliff” as an assistant director in pre-production. In 2007, his short film, “Not bad, Boy“, was officially selected by the Chicago International Film Festival.  The  photographed  Larry Yang‘s first feature film, “Return” and it was released on CCTV6 in China.   Co-directed and edited the short film “Audition” directed by Celine Li, won the Best Ensemble Cast at Asian On Film Festival 2014.   In 2015 Keith was invited to Sichuan China to be the director of photography for “Once Upon a Time in Sichuan” directed by Zifei Deng, and the film was released on Tencent 2016. The same year, Keith directed the film, “When He Comes Back,” and awarded Best Actress at Berlin Indie Film Festival & Boden International Film Festival in 2022.  The film, “Mosaic” also received numerous awards at film festivals in the World in 2022 – 2023. 




在2003年《Overture》(導演Christopher Wedding)被Dusty電影節提名最佳攝影,並於2004年因出演《華人之夢》(導演Victor Quinaz)在喬治亞州的羅馬國際電影節中獲得最佳演員殊榮,該片入圍2005年美國學院獎,並在五十多個電影節展映,而且在三藩市國際電影節獲得最佳短片獎等等;



2007年,由他自編自導的短片作品《小夥子不錯》入圍芝加哥國際電影節。同年他拍攝了楊子導演的處女作 《回歸》,並在中央電視臺六套播放。

2014 他和李尚璘一起導演的短片《被選》榮獲Asian On Film Festival 的最佳演員陣容獎。2015年應鄧紫飛的邀請擔任《當年情》的攝影師,此片在騰訊播放。

2016年起飛在美國西雅圖完成了自編自導的長片《When He Comes Back》,並在2022年榮獲兩項最佳女演員獎,分別是 Berlin Indie Film Festival 和 Boden International Film Festival。 同年影片《Mosaic》在世界各地的電影節上榮獲獎項。